Integrative counselling is a term used to describe either an integration of two or more therapies or an integration of counselling techniques or an integration of both therapies and techniques. Integrative counselling is not tied to any single therapy since its practitioners take the view that no one single approach works for every client in every situation.

While integrative counselling is usually pragmatic in content and has no qualms about borrowing useful concepts, skills or techniques from any source, provided the application of these benefits the client, this does not mean the approach is ad hoc or piecemeal in practice. Each client problem is tackled systemically, typically in three or more stages, and the counsellor is obliged to be disciplined and thorough, but still flexible, in her interactions with client.

An overall structure is essential but is not slavishly followed since counselling is not a mechanical process. The therapy must fit the client, not vice versa. Research indicates that the most probable factors determining a successful outcome to therapy are the personal qualities of both therapist and client and the relationship between them, rather than the particular approach used.