Family Therapists help family members find constructive ways to help each other. They work in ways that acknowledge the contexts of people's families and other relationships, sharing and respecting individuals' different perspectives, beliefs, views and stories, and exploring possible ways forward.

Family Therapists thus not only support change with individuals but also in their relationships in the family and beyond, so children, young people, adults and/or those important to them are supported in continued recovery.

Family Therapists' areas of particular experience and expertise include:

Family relationships and changes in family life
Child and adolescent mental health
Adult mental health
Parenting issues
Couple relationships
Supporting family members through separation, mediation and divorce
Child and adolescent behaviour
Emotional disorders including anxiety, depression and grief following bereavement
Anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders
Supporting family members in step-family life
Social policy e.g. child protection
Fostering, adoption and 'looked after' children
Domestic violence
Drug and alcohol misuse